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God showed Himself and overturned Roe vs. Wade. Thank you passionate intercessors that would not relent! Day and night, grandmothers, mothers, fathers, ministers, and young people would close themselves in their prayer room and go before Heaven and cry out for the unborn. Gatherings were held and our message was sent straight to Heaven’s court for these BABIES lives!

But what does that mean and what happens now? Do people really understand what has been legal in our country? What torture has been afflicted upon these helpless human babies? The safety of the womb has been a slaughterhouse of the innocent. And supposed Christian people are saying we shouldn’t be gloating over this! There it is again, that old religious snake trying to slither in and silence us. NO NOT THIS TIME! It is not gloating; it is “The Lion’s Roar!” We have only just begun to take down the giants! We are not just going to knock them down; we are going to take their heads! And YES run in the streets with it, shouting out the fiercest scream to let the enemy know we are NOT stopping here! There is more territory to conquer.

A pretty well known leader posted that we shouldn’t gloat! Well, let me tell you something, we will become even more undignified than this! And there’s the same old response about rape, or a mother who is at risk, or incest. I don’t want to hear that excuse anymore for MURDER of the INNOCENT! Unfortunately in this fallen world, there are things that happen out of evil hearts, but why is it the child’s fault? If anyone is the victim, it is that helpless little baby that has no voice to cry out with…except OURS!

Whatever the reason, a child in the womb has purpose, meaning, and destiny and it’s God given. And we don’t have enough decency and respect or honor for the One who designed life; we play God like we know so much! And these sweet little lives aren’t given a chance! No matter the circumstance.

I’m sure many are appalled at my insensitivity! How dare I! Well how dare you! Let it be loud and clear to all who read this. He is not done overthrowing arrogant man’s evil choices. Who are you to tell God how or what He’s to do? Life matters. You women who are demanding, your body and your right, how ridiculously selfish and narcissistic you are! You’ve done such a good job of victimizing yourselves; caring loving people buy

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